Blog Post

Congratulations to Stephen on his new role with Principle Estates Management

Helen Johnson • May 01, 2020

Positive news during lockdown 2020... 

With Covid-19 putting a strain on businesses and changing lives, it’s important to celebrate the wins and focus on all the positives during this time. With the recruitment industry being easily affected by events of any kind, we’re thankful to be working in an industry that still need roles filling and by our brilliant candidates!

Stephen Downing is one of our candidates that started his job search prior to the UK lockdown and below explains how it has all worked for him:

I started a new role with Principle Estate Management on 6th April 2020 under unusual circumstances, lockdown in the battle against Covid-19. 

I accepted the job offer on 19th March and submitted my notice to my previous employer the same day, however the next day the UK Government put us in lockdown. With panic set aside by assurances from Temple PM and Principle Estate Management, I looked forward to starting my new role albeit under unusual circumstances-where I would be isolated along with the rest of the team and setting up working from home. 

Thankfully, my new employers had the foresight to make remote working functional and practical for staff and their expanding list of clients. After collecting my equipment prior to starting on 6th April I was able to hit the ground running and receiving training by remote connections. 

The first two weeks were really difficult taking into consideration the bank holidays, lack of knowledge of the clients and unable to quickly fire questions at colleagues across the office. Brett and Joe have been fantastic in offering their support and passing on their knowledge and since the unconventional start to my tenure I have really settled into my role and I am enjoying every minute of it.

I am really grateful for the support received from TemplePM and Brett & Joe who have helped my transition into a new, growing, exciting company where I aim to develop and progress my career. My advice to others thinking about moving on from their current role is to take the opportunity, even during this pandemic the grass can be greener on the other side. 

Congratulations to Stephen and Principle Estate Management on the new role!

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