Blog Post

Why you should use a Recruiter!

Ailsa Yapici • Oct 28, 2019

Applying for a new job can have its associated nightmares... How can a recruiter ease your pain?

Applying for a new job has its associated nightmares, including; time-consuming, searching for the right types of roles, the need to be very organised if applying for several positions and also being flexible for interviews. If you are already in a full-time role then this might prove tricky to juggle along with your daily life challenges. How will a recruitment company ease your pain?

Clients use recruiters to make their life easier. They advertise their available positions with a recruiter to make sure only the 'right' people apply and to avoid time-wasters. Clients and recruiters will have built up a good working knowledge of each other over time. This is why they put their trust in the recruiter to sift through all applications to find the much sought after '5 Headed Giraffe'. The recruiter cannot send over a candidate who only has 2 heads that match, they really need to have 4 heads, with a potential to resolve the fifth once in position, or simply have all 5 heads from the start. 

The process to check all '5 heads' begins with analysing your CV. Does it clearly display your qualifications and employment history? Is it neat and in a recognisable format? Before sending it out to any companies a recruiter must carry out the whole thought process of whether you and the potential employer make a perfect match, a skill that comes with experience. It involves having a good chat with you to determine your personality and clarify any queries in relation to your CV. This is also an opportunity to seek out what you are hoping to gain from a new role, your '5 Headed Giraffe' (hours/salary/holidays etc). This is an essential part of the recruitment process so making time for the conversation is vital. Did you know that your CV should not be sent out to any companies without your authorisation?

The recruiter acts as a great go-between to organise interviews. There can often be a lot of to-ing and fro-ing in finding a suitable slot, which might not be the case when applying without a recruiter. Time can be quite precious for both client and candidate and the recruiter endeavours to make this perfect for both. The recruiter will then inform you about the people and company that you are going to be interviewed by. This does not mean you shouldn't do your own research but it should at least give you some idea of what the company is expecting from you.

If successful at interview, the recruiter will then manage the entire job offer process. This includes making sure both sides agree with the offer before anything is accepted. Without a recruiter this negotiating phase can become extremely awkward. The recruiter filters the discussion and makes sure the placement, for both client and candidate, starts positively. It is in the clients' and candidates' best interests to want the new role to last, so the entire recruitment process needs to go really smoothly to achieve this. Can this be successfully done without a recruiter?

 You would think that is the last thing the recruiter does, but here at TemplePM we make sure you are still happy once in your new role with a follow up call some time later. Believing you and the role were right for each other is one thing but hearing all about it makes the whole process worth it! 

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